法诺是意大利东海岸一座美丽的海滨城市。第22届传统的法诺国际合唱节就在这里举行。广播之友合唱团有幸参加了这一盛会,把东方的合唱艺术带给意大利和欧洲各国的听众,并把中国艺术家的丰采也带到了这块土地上。 热情的主人安排中国客人在当地有名的大陆饭店居
Fano is a beautiful seaside city on the east coast of Italy. The 22nd traditional Farno International Chorus Festival is held here. The Friends of Radio Choir had the privilege of participating in the event, bringing Eastern chorus to listeners in Italy and Europe and bringing the richness of Chinese artists to the land. Enthusiastic hosts arrange Chinese guests in the famous local restaurants