In the context of a market economy, how to draw up a report on the work of the government which is rich in the flavor of the times and reflects the will of the government and the wishes of the people? Our approaches and understandings are as follows: First, to track ahead, to study the facts, to understand the facts and to find out clearly that “we have what”. It is the basis for compiling the government work report. Government work reports are generally divided into two types: First, according to the time division report. There are annual work reports, quarterly work reports, work summary reports and reports reflecting the situation; the other is based on the object of the report. Reports to the people’s government at higher levels and relevant departments in charge, reports of work to party committees at the same level or the work of people’s congresses at the same level, etc. In the work, if after leading the questions, he will go to the research essay, and the reports written in this way are often passive, hasty, and lagging. because