
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tian1_sheng2_wo3_cai
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  I first heard about the World Youth Day in mid-2004, completely by chance when on the internet, I came across a link to the “Weltjugendtag 2005”, scheduled for Cologne, Germany in 2005.
  Upon further reading, I quickly discovered that World Youth Day (WYD) was not just another international youth event. In fact, I was greatly impressed when I further realized that the origin of World Youth Day was closely linked to the United Nations International Year of Youth in 1985, when Pope John Paul II, addressed the youth of the world in his Apostolic Letter, ‘Dilecti Amici’, whose theme was, “Always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you".
  In his letter, Pope John Paul II communicated a strong message of hope, saying “In you there is hope, for you belong to the future, just as the future belongs to you. For hope is always linked to the future; it is the expectation of "future good things"”.
  When I eventually got onto the plane with a group of seven friends that had come together for the pilgrimage to WYD 2005 in Koeln, Germany, the excitement of traveling outside my country for the first time was palpable. By the end of the two-week experience, I had slowly started to understand the meaning of the “hope” that Pope John Paul II had spoken about in his letter, 20 years earlier. I decided from that moment on; that I would take part in future World Youth Days if possible. I have since participated in the last three editions of WYD, Sydney (2008), Madrid (2011) and most recently in Rio de Janeiro, 23rd-28th July 2013.
  My experience in Rio was both a continuation of my previous WYD encounters and a unique moment of personal and communal expressions of solidarity with other young people from many nations. Indeed, the theme chosen for WYD in Rio, “Go and make disciples of all nations”, led me to a deeper reflection on how the experience in Brazil would transform my own community and projects back in Kenya.
  当我最终搭乘飞机,与其他七个朋友一起来到德国科隆参加2005世界青年日的盛会时,我难掩兴奋之情。两周的活动结束后,我开始慢慢明白教皇约翰·保罗二世20年前在信中所讲的“希望”的含义。从那一刻起,我决定,只要有机会,我一定要参加世界青年日今后的活动。从那之后,我参加了三届世界青年日活动,2008年在悉尼,2011年在马德里和当前的里约热内卢。   里约的经历是我之前参加世界青年日活动的一个延续,也是我个人的一次独特经历,我可以跟来自世界许多国家的青年一起探讨有关团结的话题。里约热内卢世界青年日的主题是“去吧,使万民作我的门徒”,这使我更加深入地思考如何将在巴西的收获运用到我在肯尼亚的社区改革等项目中去。
  I frequently thought of the “nations” beyond geographical boundaries that exist in my own country and that as a young person, I could reach out to: Chronic poverty, exacerbated further by the growing gap between the rich and poor; environmental degradation; strife and tensions more commonly fueled by political…the list was long. It was also a reflection of the situation in the world today, epitomized by the financial crisis and the deepening problem of youth unemployment.
  Despite these challenges, WYD in Rio was for me an encounter of commitment, solidarity and charity. As a young Kenyan, I would take great pride in the reputation of my country as a hospitable nation. However, I experienced much more in Brazil, where despite the differences in culture and language, the hosts were welcoming and always available and keen to offer help.
  Meeting with pilgrims from different countries and learning about their own personal joys, struggles and hope as young people, while discovering the common threads in terms of the challenges we faced was an amazing showcase of solidarity. Solidarity among the challenges, but also in the shared hopes, desires and actions for building a better world. Some of these actions were part of the official program in the days leading up to the WYD week, described as the “mission week”. I was part of an international group of 25 pilgrims from Brazil, Kenya and Taiwan who, in the state of Espirito Santo, took part in the work of Fee Alegria, a social action movement committed to improving the lives of people living in poverty through holistic formation and imparting life skills. Living on a 70 acre farm managed by the movement, we learnt and got involved in organic farming in the vegetable and fruit gardens. We also had the opportunity to visit farmers in the region (Laranja da Terra) and listen to their challenges, such as those of one who explained the difficulties of finding a market and fair price for the tomatoes he grew.
  与来自世界各地的青年人会面,了解他们的喜怒哀乐后,我发现我们面临着相同的挑战,这恰好说明了我们应该团结。世界青年日活动中有一部分官方活动被称为“任务周”。我当时是一个由25人组成的国际团队中的一员,我们分别来自巴西、肯尼亚和台湾。在圣埃斯皮里图州,我们加入了费阿莱格里亚的社会工作,这项行动致力于通过构建全面的生活模式和传授生活技能改善贫困人口的生活。我们住在费阿莱格里亚行动管理的一个70公顷的农场里,亲身劳作,学习种植有机蔬菜和水果。此外,我们还有机会去拜访当地的农民,倾听他们的苦恼,比如他们中有人提到为其栽种的西红柿找到合适市场和售价的困难。   This experience was one that I found especially relevant and inspiring, to my work as the founder/director of the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA). As a network that focuses on harnessing the energies, passion and commitment of young people in Africa towards achieving environmental sustainability, World Youth Day in Rio helped me to better understand how care of the environment affects the quality of my relationship with God, with other people and with creation itself. Since education and awareness creation on environmental issues is of pivotal importance to CYNESA, I found both the practical and educational environmental themes embedded into the organizational and other aspects of the WYD program a great sign of hope-for the participants and hosts- that the call to restoring right relationships with creation and with people.
  During the WYD week in Rio, Pope Francis continued putting across the message for the need to care for creationUpon his election as Bishop of Rome, he chose the name ‘Francis’. St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of ecology in the Church, and greatly inspires many to this day by his example of choosing to live a poor and humble life of service. The choice of the name ‘Francis’, therefore, clearly indicated the intention of the new Pope to renew the efforts of the Church in its missionary endeavor of serving the poor and commitment to sustainable living in caring for creation. More explicitly, in his homily during the inauguration Mass, Pope Francis called on leaders in different spheres of life to be responsive to the needs of the weakest in society and to the environment. “Please, I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” He went on to point out that this responsibility, this call to be “protectors”, was a duty for all of humanity. Pope Francis took advantage of World Environment Day, celebrated globally every July 5th, to emphasize the importance of avoiding food waste, in a world in which people, especially in the global south, still experience food shortages. This call fit in very well with this year’s theme proposed by UNEP of “Think, Eat, Save”, in relation to the concerns of food waste.   Back to the WYD week, it was no surprise, therefore, that Pope Francis drew attention to the Amazon Basin, and the communities living there, calling for its respect and protection rather than indiscriminate destruction, considering it to be of particular relevance for the present and future of the Brazilian Church and entire society. As a young Kenyan, these concerns expressed by the Holy Father resonated strongly in my mind and heart, bearing in mind the fact that my country is yet to achieve the internationally recommended forest cover of 10%. In the Central Africa region, the Congo Basin, second only to the Amazon in terms of biodiversity, is also under severe threat occasioned by destruction of forests and poaching, the latter being of particular concern in Kenya too as evidenced by the rise in killings of elephants and rhinos.
  Quite curiously, the World Youth Day took place in Rio, just a year after the city played host to the Rio+20 meeting, which provided a global platform to highlight pressing issues in the quest to secure global sustainable development. World Youth Day was also held in the context of an evolving process, the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In my view, Pope Francis did send a message in both words and actions during the World Youth Day, to both the young pilgrims and the whole world, that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Three other principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and which featured prominently during Pope Francis’ visit to Brazil, namely the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, care for creation and solidarity are all elements that are emerging as key in the post-2015 dialogue. However, these elements and aspirations are also shared by the young people I encountered on the streets of Rio, who despite the differences based on where they came from, were united by their faith and the pursuit for justice and peace in a world fragmented by violence and conflict.   Looking forward to the next WYD set to take place in 2016, in Krakow, Poland, the city of Pope John Paul II, founder of the World Youth Days, the personal experience of the program in Rio will certainly be reflected in the work of CYNESA. Our horizon of “nations” will definitely expand as we engage more young people in Africa in our quest to make a positive contribution towards achieving environmental sustainability in cities and towns, but also in our collaborations in the global development agenda through agencies such and UNEP and UN Habitat, both conveniently based in my own city, Nairobi.
  World Youth Day in Rio, was for me a call to mission and a renewal of my commitment to solidarity and charity, heeding the call to “Go and make disciples of all nations”. I came away with an even stronger sense of hope that Pope John Paul II spoke about in his Apostolic Letter for the UN International Youth Year twenty eight years ago, and reinforced by his predecessors, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. It is a hope that many other young people share for their lives, communities and life projects, in building a civilization of love and a better world.
【摘要】2005年以来我院实行三级分科后,通过护理实践的探索,从三个方面阐述了如何通过加强护理在职培训,提高护理人员业务理论、专业技能、职业素质、法制观念,适应新时期社会发展要求。  【关键词】护士 在职培训 三级分科    目前,我国正处于护理人力资源紧缺的阶段,随着科学技术迅猛发展,护理模式改革的进一步深入,许多高、新、尖技术的广泛应用,对护理人员素质要求越来越高。如何使护理队伍适应社会发展的
【摘要】回顾总结健康教育的方法及体会。护士首先应明确健康教育的目的与作用,灵活应用健康教育的方法,满足不同文化层次、不同疾病的病人及家属,给予他们以帮助,从而降低了病人的发病率及死亡率。  【关键词】冠心病 健康教育    冠心病是一种常见心身疾病,由于社会、心理、个性和生物等诸多易患因素,冠状动脉粥样硬化引起冠状动脉狭窄,使心肌缺氧、缺血,从而导致心绞痛、心肌梗塞、心力衰竭等。国内外调查表明,冠
在疾病的治疗和修复过程中,患者机体所处的最佳状态,是睡眠状态。如患者的睡眠发生异常或长期保证不了夜间应有的睡眠,中枢神经系统和各组织器官的生理机能则得不到足够的休息而处于低能状态,降低了机体的抵抗力和战胜疾病的能力,不利于机体的恢复。为此,患者夜间睡眠的护理应引起足够重视。如何加强夜间患者睡眠的护理,我们有以下几点体会:    1引起睡眠障碍的主要原因    1.1患者对医院新的环境不适应。  1
在神经内科住院患者中,由于各种原因引起的昏迷不醒常伴有吞咽困难,呛咳,以致不能进食。临床上常需要插入鼻饲管,供应食物和药物,以达到维持营养和治疗的目的。    1插管前护理    对意识清楚的患者,家属要与医师一道做好病人的思想工作,向患者说明鼻饲的必要性与保证充足营养对疾病恢复的重要性,要病人忍耐暂时的不适以配合治疗。对昏迷患者要与家属沟通,解释鼻饲对疾病康复的重要性及操作可能出现的意外,以取得
静脉留置针又称套管针,作为头皮针的换代产品以其操作简单、套管柔软、套管在静脉内留置时间长且不易穿破血管特点被广泛应用于临床。它减少了病人由于反复穿刺的痛苦,而且减轻了护士的工作量。    1选择血管和留置针型号     根据患者年龄、病情、血管情况选择套管针型号。选择血管宜用相对粗直、有弹性、血流丰富、无静脉瓣、避开关节且易于固定的血管。  1.1操作方法:消毒穿刺部位后,旋转松动留置针外套管。以
【关键词】护理书写 医疗纠纷 防范    2002年9月1日实施的新的《医疗事故处理条例》等法律法规的实施,更加明确了护理记录在医疗事故中的作用。因此,护理记录的质量在预防医疗纠纷中是何等重要。    1护理书写中存在的问题    1.1护理记录相符性差  1.1.1 记录医疗不相符,如阴道出血的病人,护理记录中有阴道出血,而在医生的病程记录中则是无阴道出血。  1.1.2 医嘱开的时间与护士执行