一、新型社会保障制度提出的背景与现状在社会主义计划经济体制下 ,我国实行低工资、多扣除、高积累政策 ,在工资收入中没有社会保障费的含量 ,因而我国社会保障制度基本上采取的是“全包式”。养老制度是仿照前苏联模式的预先扣除制 ,退休费完全由国家和企业负担 ,公费医疗靠
I. Background and Current Situation of the New-type Social Security System Under the socialist planned economy, China has implemented a policy of low wages, multiple deductions and high accumulation, and there is no social security fee in the wage income. Therefore, China’s social security system basically adopted The “all inclusive”. Pension system is modeled on the former Soviet Union’s pre-deduction system, retirement costs entirely by the state and enterprises, public medical rely on