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最近《大话西游》在各大院线重新上映,勾起了不少人的怀旧情节。20年恍如白驹过隙,如今电影中由周星驰领衔的那一批演员虽都已不复当年,但他们却将自己最美好的样子定格在了胶片中,成就了《大话西游》这部不朽的经典。电影中除了无厘头的搞笑桥段、堪称经典的台词、曲折的人物命运安排以外,让人称道的还有电影中那些难忘的场景。从影片开头,三十娘骑着毛驴走过的无垠沙漠,到影片结尾,夕阳武士与紫霞相拥其上的颓败城楼,再到孙悟空回眸之后留下决绝背影的荒凉戈壁,电影的镜头在广阔的背景下得以尽情伸展,电影中无厘头的表演、爱情的纠葛、命运的抉择,也在 The recent “Westward Journey” re-released in theaters, arouse the nostalgia of many people plot. 20 years seems like a fleeting play, and now led by Stephen Chow in the movie that many actors are no longer the current year, but they will be their best picture in the film, the achievements of the “Westward Journey,” this immortal classic . In addition to the movie does not make sense of the funny plot, called the classic lines, twists and turns figures outside the fate of the arrangements, praised the memorable scenes of the movie. From the beginning of the movie, thirty mother riding a donkey through the boundless desert, to the end of the movie, the sunset warrior and Zixia embracing the decadent tower, and then to the Monkey King review left behind the deserted Gobi back, the film’s camera in the Extensive background to enjoy the stretch, the film does not make sense of the performance, the entanglements of love, the choice of destiny, but also
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去年12月,我随同以国家计委副主任房维中同志为团长的经济代表团访问日本时,在九州的福冈县参观了著名的“尿布大王”——尼西奇公司。 12月11日上午,代表团一行冒着淅沥的