在全面推广测土配方施肥工作中,可以了解到,农户因害怕水稻倒伏和贪青晚熟,绝大多数的稻农都在6月末前追完所有的氮肥,基本没有追拔节肥。为此,针对稻区农户,重施返青肥和分蘖肥(尿素200 kg/hm2)的现状,进行氮肥前重后移试验。即把烦请分蘖肥减少50 kg尿素,用于追施拔节孕穗肥和粒肥.从而研究追施对穗粒数/结实率和千粒质量的影响,为氮肥的前重后移提供科学依据。
In the comprehensive promotion of soil testing and fertilizer work, we can understand that farmers are afraid of rice lodging and gregarious late, the vast majority of rice farmers are chasing all the nitrogen fertilizer by the end of June, basically no chase fertilizer. To this end, for the farmers in the rice area, re-implementation of green and tillering fertilizer (urea 200 kg / hm2) status, the nitrogen fertilizer before and after the heavy shift test. That is to ask the tillering fertilizer to reduce 50 kg of urea, for the top-dressing bosei booting fertilizer and grain fertilizer to study topdressing on grains per spike / grain yield and grain quality, provide a scientific basis for the nitrogen before and after heavy shift.