1985年~1991年我科应用维生素K_3控制毛细支气管炎所引起的喘憋症状。收到了较满意的疗效。现将结果报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 治疗对象 总例数165例,治疗组88例,对照组77例。男103例,女62例。2—6月80例,6个月~1岁61例,1—2岁24例。 1.2 诊断标准:2岁以下婴幼儿发病。发作性喘憋为本病临床特点。发作时烦燥,呼吸心率增快,鼻扇、三凹症和发绀明显。两肺听诊有广泛的喘鸣音。间歇期可以听到中细湿罗音或捻发音。X线检查:可见全肺有不同程度的梗阻性肺气肿,肺纹理粗,或有小的点片状阴影。血象:白细胞总数及分类基本都在正常范围。
From 1985 to 1991, our department applied vitamin K_3 to control wheezing symptoms caused by bronchiolitis. Received a more satisfactory effect. The results are reported as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 The total number of subjects treated 165 cases, 88 cases in the treatment group, 77 cases in the control group. 103 males and 62 females. 2-6 months in 80 cases, 6 months to 1 year old in 61 cases, 1-2 years old in 24 cases. 1.2 diagnostic criteria: infants and children under the age of 2 onset. Episodic wheezing-based clinical features. Sinus irritation, increased respiratory rate, nasal fan, three concave and cyanosis significantly. Auscultation of the lungs have a wide range of wheezing. Intermittent period can hear the fine wet rales or twist pronunciation. X-ray examination: the whole lung can be seen varying degrees of obstructive pulmonary emphysema, coarse lung texture, or a little flaky shadows. Blood: the total number of leukocytes and classification are in the normal range.