Objective To investigate the characteristics of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) patients with long survival. Methods One case of MPM with pleural effusion over 10 years admitted to Respiratory Department of Dalian Central Hospital in January 2010 was reviewed and related literatures were reviewed. Results The male patient, aged 77, had dyspnoea for 10 years after repeated activities, exacerbated in February and performed 2 to 4 pleural puncture tests every year to relieve the symptoms and deny the history of exposure to asbestos. CT of the lungs: right pleural effusion with parcels, Yu Wei See abnormalities. Thoracoscopic examination of the visceral visceral pleura, parietal pleura extensive translucent small nodular bulge, clear pathological epithelial cell type MPM. Combined with this patient review and literature review, patients with MPM who have a history of well-differentiated epithelial cell type and no history of asbestos exposure have long survival. Conclusions MPM patients whose pathological types are history of epithelial cell type and non-asbestos exposure have a long survival period and the characterization of long-lived MPM patients is valuable for identifying unique factors associated with tumor invasion and survival.