坚持依法行政 规范执法行为

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随着社会的不断发展和进步,我国已经逐步走向法治化管理的轨道,特别是在社会主义市场经济飞速发展的时期,作为执法的部门、单位或人员,都必须要进一步提高法律意识,坚持依法行政规范执法,维护法律的尊严。一、现行执法中存在的问题(一)法律意识不强,执法水平低具体表现在执法不懂法,我国的各项法律法规都在不断的进行修改和完善,有的执法人员思想上认识不足,不能把专业的法律法规真正的学懂弄通, With the constant development and progress of our society, our country has gradually been on track for the administration of the rule of law. Especially during the period when the socialist market economy is developing rapidly, as the department, unit or person that enforces the law, we must further raise our awareness of the law and uphold the principle of " Administrative norms law enforcement, safeguard the dignity of the law. First, the existing law enforcement problems (a) legal awareness is not strong, low level of law enforcement specifically reflected in law enforcement do not understand law, our laws and regulations are constantly revised and improved, and some law enforcement officers lack awareness , Can not really understand the professional laws and regulations get through,
《Airfinance Journal》2009年2月版刊登Geoff Hearn的文章,谈支线机制造业新军及发展空间,文章题目为 The February 2009 issue of Airfinance Journal posted an article
2009年1月23日国务院办公厅下发了关于《国务院办公厅关于治理商品过度包装工作的通知》,这无疑给正在倡导的为减少商品包装中的资源消耗,加快建设资源节约型和环境友 Janua
近年来,淄博市博山区南博山镇人大多措并举,扎实开展“法律五进”(法律进学校、机关、企业、农村、家 In recent years, Boshan District, Boshan District, Zibo City, mos
2月8日下午,陕西省军区领导莅临学院访问。杨正武院长、张德顺政委、训练部楼文伟部长、 On the afternoon of February 8, leaders of the Shaanxi Military Region came
5月4日,沭阳县公路管理站与扎下乡政府联合行动,拆除205国道扎下段境内的违章广告牌。 在这次行动中,共清除违章广告灯箱23个,铁皮制广告牌11个,取缔路边店外店6处。为了有
港监机关在内河交通事故处理中,普遍感到最棘手、最为难的是桥损事故的处理。究竟难在何处呢? 一是社会压力大。桥损事故特别是桥梁受损倒塌后,常造成水陆交通全部中断,尤其
面对金融危机,中国制造业应如何化解危险,在狂澜中寻找反转战局的机会?《商学院》杂志“经理人社区”活动邀请了广东格兰仕集团副总裁俞尧昌、创维集团董事 In the face of
1. A Review of the Past Year's Work and Basic Assessment of the Current Situation in the Transport Sector Transport operation maintained good levels. The founda
2009年9月24日,国务院公布的《中华人民共和国农业机械安全监督管理条例》,对中国农机化事业,尤其是农机监理行业来说,无疑,这是一座里程碑,具有划时代的现实意 On Septembe