正如孟德斯鸠所言,自由地判断应是公民的美德,而法国的中学哲学教育作为一项政治遗产遗传下来,其内在诉求还承载了共和国良好公民塑造的愿景。“康德和黑格尔的信徒互相打了一架。”这件充满荷尔蒙的事件在法国波尔多地区圣日内中学(Lycee Saint-Genes)发生时,正处在明星“粉丝”掐架新闻不绝于耳的2015年夏天,有人评论,能将对偶像的热爱付诸身体暴力的,一定属于铁杆“粉丝”。确实,这场由一句脏话引发的“哲学”群架,参与者都是十几岁的中学生,他们刚刚结束高中会考的第一科即哲学考试,在考场外,一位事后证实是康德信徒的考生
As Montesquieu said, freedom to judge should be the virtue of citizens, while the philosophy of secondary education in France as a legacy of inheritance, its internal appeal also carries the vision of a good citizen of the Republic shape. “Kant and Hegel believers fight one another. ” This hormonal event was taking place at the Star “Fans ” pinnacle in Lycee Saint-Genes, Bordeaux, France News incessantly In the summer of 2015, some people commented that the devotion of idol to physical violence must belong to hardcore fans. Indeed, this “philosophical” massacre, triggered by an outburst of speech, is a teenager middle school student who has just concluded the first examination of high school that the Philosophical Examination, outside the examination room, an eventual confirmation of Kant Candidates of believers