刚竹毒蛾为鳞翅目毒蛾科竹毒蛾属的害虫。1983年在湄潭地区中部的流河渡、湄江、双龙等公社的五个大队相继发生,危害面积达100余亩,往后发生面积迅速扩大,且十分严重。虫害猖獗竹林面积达1000余亩,为了摸清刚竹毒蛾发生危害情况,我们做了比较系统的调查研究,根据现有资料,对此虫标本进行了鉴定,学名为(Pantana phyllostachysae chao)。现将该虫调查和观察的结果整理分述于下:
Phyllostatis is a pest of Lepidoptera, a genus of Lepidoptera. In 1983, five brigades of Liuhedu, Meijiang and Ssangyong communes in the middle of the Meitan area occurred in succession. The total area of damage was more than 100 acres. The area for its subsequent expansion rapidly expanded and it became very serious. Pest rampant bamboo forest area of more than 1000 acres, in order to find out the occurrence of Gangmu poisonous moth damage, we do a more systematic investigation, according to available information, the worm specimens were identified, called (Pantana phyllostachysae chao). Now the survey and observation results of the insects are summarized below: