对学汉字由难转易人们很关注,经不懈的研究,已取得许多宝贵经验。 同音字多,是汉写的显著特点,也是近代以来想靠26个字母拼造拉丁化中文来取代汉字最终失败的主要原因之一。 为什么汉字会形成数量众多的同音字?同音字间有无内在联系?汉字难、汉字音义不一与同音字有无关系?在改革开放、贯彻双百方针带来的宽松的学术氛围里,谈点拙见,抛砖引玉,相互探讨,限于水平,错误在所难免,希望各界朋友指导。
It is very easy for people to learn Chinese by learning difficult words. After years of unremitting research, they have gained a lot of valuable experience. Homophones and more, is a prominent feature of the Chinese writing, but also in the modern since trying to rely on 26 letters to spell Latinization of Chinese to replace the final failure of Chinese characters, one of the main reasons. Why do Chinese characters form a large number of homophones? Is there any intrinsic relationship between homophones? Is Chinese characters difficult and Chinese characters different in meaning and homonyms? In a liberal academic atmosphere brought about by the reform and opening up and the implementation of the “two hundred principles” Point humble opinion, start a discussion, explore each other, limited to the level of error is inevitable, I hope all the friends guidance.