去年,全国各地进行了多次民意调查,在“你最关心什么”一项中,住房问题始终名列前茅。调查结果反映了一个事实:随着人们温饱问题的基本解决,生活的改善,今天中国老百姓对尽快解决住的问题的要求比以往任何时候都更强烈,更迫切! 在国务院召开的一次重要会议上,一位权威人士发言说,按照邓小平关于国民经济分三步走的战略目标,到本世纪末我国要实现小康水平;就人民群众现实生活水平而言,可以说,“小康不小康,关键看住房。”
Last year, many public opinion surveys were conducted across the country. In “What are you most concerned about ?,” housing problems have always been among the best. The survey results reflect the fact that with the basic solution to the problem of food and clothing and the improvement of living standards, the demand of the Chinese people today for solving the problem as soon as possible is stronger and more pressing than ever before. At an important meeting held by the State Council , An authoritative person said that in accordance with Deng Xiaoping’s strategic goal of dividing the national economy in three steps, it is necessary for China to achieve a well-to-do level by the end of this century. As far as the actual living standards of the people concerned are concerned, it can be said that “a well-to-do society is not well-to-do. housing.”