一 1934年10月,中央红军撤离中央根据地,踏上漫漫长征路之后,蒋介石调集8个师、旅正规军,加上保安团队共约10万之众合围闽北革命根据地。 1935年1月25日,闽北分区机关和部队决定撤离苏区首府大安。7月,闽北分区委决定对闽北红军进行整编,重建闽北红军独立师,师长黄立贵。
In October 1934, after the Central Red Army departed from the central base area and embarked on the long march of the Long March, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized eight divisions and brigade regular regiments and a total of about 100,000 security people joined the revolutionary base areas of northern Fujian. On January 25, 1935, Minbei regional organs and units decided to evacuate Daan, the capital of the Soviet Area. In July, Minbei Sub-district Commission decided to reorganize the Red Army in northern Fujian and rebuild Huang Ligui, an independent division and division commander of the Red Army in northern Fujian.