肠系病原菌的分离培养基很多,依共性质可分为鉴别性培养基与选择性培养基两类。鉴别性培养基最初有远藤氏培养基,伊红美蓝琼脂及中国蓝琼脂等。这些培养基仅可抑制革兰氏阳性菌的生长,对肠系病原菌及非病原菌几无抑制作用,二者借其含有乳糖与指示剂,区别菌落发酵乳糖与否,而予识别。后来又有些培养基如 Leifson 氏去氧胆酸钠琼脂,Mac Conkey 氏琼脂,含有少量的胆盐成分,除具鉴别作用外,还对典型的大肠菌略有抑制作用。
There are many isolation media for gut pathogens, and they can be divided into two types: differential media and selective media. The differential culture medium initially contained Endo’s medium, Eosin Methylene blue agar and Chinese blue agar. These media can only inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and have little or no inhibitory effect on the intestinal pathogenic bacteria and non-pathogenic bacteria. Both of them can be identified by the presence of lactose and an indicator to differentiate the fermented lactose from the colony. Later, some of the media such as Leifson’s sodium deoxycholate agar, Mac Conkey’s agar, containing a small amount of bile salts, in addition to the identification, but also a slight inhibition of the typical coliform.