1临床资料患者,47岁,因月经不规律3年,下腹胀痛8d,加重4h,于2005年5月26日入院。患者末次月经2005年4月26日,经量增多,有大量血块,伴全身乏力,8d前出现下腹胀痛,4h前出现持续性剧烈下腹痛。入院查体:T38.5℃,P98次/min,R20次/min,BP115/65mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),心肺听诊无异?
1 Clinical data: The patient was 47 years old and was admitted to hospital on May 26, 2005 because of irregular menstruation for 3 years, lower abdominal pain for 8 days, and an increase of 4 hours. The patient’s last menstrual period April 26, 2005, the amount increased, there are a large number of blood clots, with general malaise, 8 days before the lower abdominal pain, 4 hours before the continuous severe lower abdominal pain. Admission examination: T38.5°C, P98 beats/min, R20 beats/min, BP115/65mm Hg (1mm Hg=0.133kPa), no different from cardiopulmonary auscultation?