继德隆之后,又一批资本高手倒下了。顾雏军、赵新先的身影尚未远去,托普系、鸿仪系已是四面楚歌。2006年春, 飞天系的邱忠保、朝华系的张良宾又相继“出事”。当他们不再作为个案出现,当他们不再以个人的形象出现,当同样的手法反复出现在中国的股市上,很多人感到震惊, 又一个被掏空的上市公司! 我们看到一条条向下的曲线,置于同一个坐标上,它们的形状竟然是惊人地吻合!他们积聚财富的路径大致相同;动用行政与资本力量,以概念与资金抬高股价,以关联担保等方式从银行掏钱;他们的扩张野心也大体相同;入水不久即转战上市公司、实业公司、基金信托、证券公司,金融帝国版图呼之欲出;他们跌落的轨迹也极为相像:急速扩张、投资分散,资本运作,资金链断,陷进资本泥潭,银行逼债,股价跳水……
After Deron, another group of capital masters fell. The figure of Gu Chujun and Zhao Xinxian has not yet gone, and the Top School and the Hongyi Department have been embattled. In the spring of 2006, Qiu Zhongbao of the Flying System and Zhang Liangbin of the North China Department successively followed the “accident.” When they no longer appear as individual cases, when they no longer appear as individuals, when the same tactics repeatedly appear in the Chinese stock market, many people are shocked, and another company that has been hollowed out! We see a direction. The curves below are placed on the same coordinates, and their shapes are surprisingly consistent! Their paths of accumulation of wealth are roughly the same; they use administrative and capital power, raise prices by concepts and funds, and escort from the bank by means of related guarantees. Money; their expansion ambitions are roughly the same; soon after entering the water, they are transferred to listed companies, industrial companies, fund trusts, and securities companies, and the financial empire is ready to go; the trajectory of their fall is also very similar: rapid expansion, decentralized investment, capital operation, capital chain Broken down, stuck in a quagmire of capital, the bank forced the debt, and the stock price dipped...