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我院1981~1995年共收治非功能胰岛细胞瘤20例,其中以急性剧烈腹痛为主要临床表现者4例(4/20)。现报告如下。例1.男性,41岁。突发上腹剧痛伴恶心呕吐,在当地医院治疗半个月,病情缓解出院。两周前左上腹再发剧痛伴呕吐,经注射654-2后腹痛逐渐缓解。B超检查提示脾与胰尾间有7.8cm×7.5cm轮廓清晰的弱回声区,与胰尾界限不清。CT示胰尾部大块状阴影,局部呈囊性变。术前诊断为胰腺囊腺癌。术中见胰体尾部至睥门有9cm×8cm质硬、包膜完整的肿块,切除胰体尾。剖开肿块见内有直径3cm的凝血块,周围有咖啡样液体。病理诊断:非功能性胰岛细胞瘤。 In our hospital from 1981 to 1995 a total of 20 cases of non-functioning islet cell tumors were treated, of which 4 patients (4/20) had acute severe abdominal pain as the main clinical manifestation. The report is as follows. Example 1. Male, 41 years old. Sudden epigastric pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting, he was treated in a local hospital for two weeks and his condition was relieved and discharged. Two weeks ago, severe pain and vomiting occurred in the left upper quadrant, and abdominal pain eased gradually after injection of 654-2. B-ultrasound showed that there was a 7.8cm×7.5cm clear echo in the weak echo area between the spleen and the pancreatic tail, and the boundary between the pancreas and the pancreas was unclear. CT showed a large block shadow of the tail of the pancreas, with local cystic changes. Preoperative diagnosis was pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma. During the operation, there was a 9cm×8cm mass with stiffened capsules and a complete capsule in the body of the pancreas and the tail of the pancreas. The body and tail of the pancreas were removed. The open lumps see blood clots with a diameter of 3 cm and a coffee-like fluid around them. Pathological diagnosis: Nonfunctional islet cell tumors.
乳腺癌根治太后常留有皮肤缺损.传统的作法是游离植皮。我院自1990年7月~1994年7月对乳癌术后留有皮肤缺损者采用上腹部旋转皮瓣治疗,取得了满意的效果。 The skin defect i
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