美国总统里根8月23日签署了修改的综合贸易法案。在此之前,美国众参两院分别于今年7月13日和8月3日以压倒多数通过了这一法案。至此,由200名议员参与起草、历时三年、几易其稿、长达1128页、堪称二次大战以来美国最全面的贸易法终于完成了其全部立法程序,正式生效。 综合贸易法案的生效标志着美国对外政策的重大调整,它也标志着美国外贸由战后的“自由贸易”到“公平贸易”的原则性转变。所谓“公平贸易”,实际上是贸易保护主义。在战后相当长的时间里,美国一向把“国家安全”与外交考虑放在打开美商品市场
President Reagan of the United States signed a revised comprehensive trade bill on August 23. Prior to this, the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives passed the bill by an overwhelming majority on July 13 and August 3 this year. So far, the 200-member parliamentary drafting, which lasted for three years, a few drafts, and up to 1,128 pages, was the most comprehensive trade law in the United States since the Second World War. It has finally completed all its legislative procedures and has come into effect. The entry into force of the Comprehensive Trade Act marks a major adjustment in the foreign policy of the United States. It also marks a principled shift in the US’s foreign trade from post-war “free trade” to “fair trade.” The so-called “fair trade” is actually trade protectionism. For a long time after the war, the United States has always put “national security” and diplomatic considerations on the opening of the US commodity market.