
来源 :地域性辽金史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhxg
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由内蒙古文物考古研究所盖之庸先生编著、内蒙古大学出版社2007年2月出版的《内蒙古辽代石刻文研究》(增订本)一书是对2002年版本的的增订,以下简称(增订本),正如著名学者刘凤翥先生在该书评介中所述(增订本)是熔资料辑录与学术研究于一炉的鸿篇巨制,是辽史研究者和辽代考古工作者人人必备的案头工具书,它的出版必然大大推进辽史研究的进程1。笔者同意刘凤翥先生对该书的整体评价, Inner Mongolian Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology by the cover of Mr. Guyan Yong, Inner Mongolia University Press, published in February 2007 << Inner Mongolia Liao Dynasty stone inscriptions >> (an updated version) is the 2002 version of the update, hereinafter referred to as (the updated version ), As the famous scholar Mr. Liu Fengyun mentioned in the book review (updated) is a melting pot of material editing and academic research in a furnace grand masterpiece, Liao history researchers and Liao dynasty archaeologists essential desk tool Its publication will inevitably greatly advance the study of Liao history. I agree with Mr. Liu Fengyun the book’s overall evaluation,