目的了解全省地方性氟中毒病情现状。方法在13个市采用整群分层随机抽样的方法选择调查点。用氟离子电极法测定水氟,采用Dean氏法进行儿童氟斑牙诊断。结果共调查了31个县337个病村,水氟含量>1.00 mg/L的病村占54.41%,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙总患病率为41.39%(25.05%~71.88%),斑釉指数为0.95(0.55~2.01)。在未改水的病村中,有69.77%的病村水氟含量>1.00 mg/L(最大值为6.62 mg/L),儿童氟斑牙患病率平均为41.84%(0.76%~94.17%)。在改水降氟工程运转基本正常的病村中,有37.04%的病村水氟含量>1.00 mg/L(最大值为5.57 mg/L),儿童氟斑牙患病率平均为32.71%(0.93%~98.21%)。在改水工程停用报废的病村中,有72.84%的病村水氟含量>1.00 mg/L(最大值为8.32 mg/L),儿童氟斑牙患病率平均为57.18%(3.92%~100.00%)。结论山东省地方性氟中毒病情仍然十分严重,须进一步落实防制措施。
Objective To understand the status of endemic fluorosis in the province. Methods A cluster stratified random sampling method was used to select the survey sites in 13 cities. Determination of water fluoride with fluoride ion electrode method, the use of Dean’s method for children dental fluorosis diagnosis. Results A total of 337 sick villages in 31 counties were investigated. The prevalence rate of dental fluorosis in children aged 8 ~ 12 was 41.39% (25.05% -71.88%), Spot index is 0.95 (0.55 ~ 2.01). In the villages without water diversion, 69.77% of the patients in the village had a fluorine content> 1.00 mg / L (the maximum was 6.62 mg / L), and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in children was 41.84% (0.76% ~ 94.17% ). Among the villages with water and fluoride reduction projects operating normally, 37.04% of patients in villages had a fluoride content> 1.00 mg / L (maximum 5.57 mg / L) and children with dental fluorosis averaged 32.71% ( 0.93% ~ 98.21%). Among the sick villages with disabled scraps in the water diversion project, 72.84% of the patients in the villages had a fluorine content> 1.00 mg / L (maximum 8.32 mg / L) and children with dental fluorosis averaged 57.18% (3.92% ~ 100.00%). Conclusion The endemic fluorosis in Shandong Province is still very serious and prevention and control measures need to be further implemented.