Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar R Burroughs is a notorious exemplar of both racist and sexist rhapsody. A veteran writer, Burroughs creates his macho hero with precise choice-wording and heart-throbbing suspense, presenting the turn-of-the-century hegemonic ideals of masculinity stemming from the notion of white supremacy twinned with primitive savagery. To understand the aim of constructing such a larger-than-life figure, we will take a look at the male body first, then analyze the ego, finally inspect the noble heart and civilized demeanor which are the essence of its spirit.
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar R Burroughs is a notorious exemplar of both racist and sexist rhapsody. A veteran writer, Burroughs creates his macho hero with precise choice-wording and heart-throbbing suspense, presenting the turn-of-the-century hegemonic ideals of masculinity stemming from the notion of white so premacy twinned with primitive savagery. we will take a look at the male body first, then analyze the ego, finally inspect the noble heart and civilized demeanor which are the essence of its spirit.