基于服务体系架构的数据服务平台是解决多数据源异构信息集成的主要手段,其中关于如何注册和管理数据服务是一个主要问题.UDDI是一种标准的Web服务管理机制,它提供了标准的接口与数据结构,但它缺少对数据服务描述的支持和相应的管理机制,该文针对多数据源共享信息集成系统中数据服务的管理事务,提出了一个基于UDDI的数据服务的注册使用机制,应用于集成信息系统中数据服务的管理,方便了数据信息自身的描述与组合,并扩展了UDDI的查询功能.“,”In the recent days enterprises data lies across multiple sources in custom formats. Data service platforms provide a way of making heterogeneous data sources accessible to applications and manageable to developers by integrating a service-oriented architecture. One of the primary challenges in such a platform is managing registration and access the context of data services. UDDI is the kernel technical standard of Web Service,which provides the standard of Web service's register and discovery. UDDI specification only offers standard interface and data structure,has no clear definition and implementation mechanism on the management and secu-rity of data services. In this paper,according to the requirement of data service,some description and definition was designed and implemented,application programming interface of UDDI was also extended. We also describe the structure of the proposed mechanism framework and its advantages in managing data services.