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玉米纹枯病在全国各地都有发生,以中南部夏玉米产区发生较重,一般发病率在70%~100%,造成的减产损失在10%~20%,严重的高达35%。由于该病害危害玉米近地面几节的叶鞘和茎秆,引起茎基腐败,破坏输导组织,影响水分和营养的输送,因此造成的损失较大。主要发生在玉米生长后期,即籽粒形成期至灌浆期,苗期很少发生。主要为害乳熟期的苞叶、果穗、籽粒,也可侵害茎秆。 Corn sheath blight occurs in all parts of the country. The incidence of summer maize in Central South China is relatively high. The average incidence is between 70% and 100%. The yield loss is between 10% and 20% and the severity is as high as 35%. As the disease endanger the corn sheaths and stems near the ground several sections, causing the stem base corruption, damage to the conduction tissue, affecting water and nutrient delivery, resulting in greater loss. Mainly occurred in the late maize growth, that is, grain formation to filling stage, seldom occurs. The main damage milk bud husk, ear, grain, but also against the stalks.
Sun公司的全新网络计算结构UltraComputing(特级计算)狂飚般席卷全球。随之而来的UltraServer1在系统性能和网络传输速度方面均超过与之竞争的其它工作组服务器。 UltraServ
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