近年来,蔬菜草害特别严重,使蔬菜的品质和产量受到影响。为解决这一问题,1984年8月22日我们在观音桥乡苗圃队冬莲白地上,用氟乐灵除草剂进行除草试验,亩用2—4两氟乐灵,除草效果均达96%以上,并保持半年多无杂草,效果较好。原计划全年推广氟乐灵除草剂100窗,而实际大春菜推广110亩,深受农户欢迎。它具有以下优点: 1、使用方便,杀草种类多,见效快,效果好。该药直接用喷雾器喷雾,一年生单、双子叶
In recent years, vegetables and grass particularly serious impact on the quality and yield of vegetables affected. To solve this problem, we August 22, 1984 Guanyinqiao Township nursery team lotus white lotus, with trifluralin herbicides weeding test, mu 2-4 lefluralin, weeding effect reached 96% Above, and maintain more than six months without weeds, the effect is better. The original plan to promote trifluralin herbicide 100 windows throughout the year, while the actual promotion of 110 acres of spring vegetables, welcomed by farmers. It has the following advantages: 1, easy to use, grass variety, quick, good effect. The drug is sprayed directly with a sprayer, an annual single, dicotyledonous