引言在近海油气开发工程中,需要经常的潜水服务工作,在较深的水域中,则还须以潜水钟潜水为主。例如英国的Shell—Expro公司在所属油田区租用的半潜式多用支持船Uncle John,在29000小时的工作时间内,潜水钟潜水达11500小时,空气潜水仅500小时,另外一个遥控潜水器RCV 225的潜水时间为4447小时。可见潜水钟潜水约占整个潜水服务时间的70%。尽管如英国、挪威和美国等近海工业先进的国家对潜水安全作业已制订有各种条例或规定,潜水员的职业培训标准也很高,但在大量的潜水钟作业中,事故仍不时有所报导。特别是脐带断裂的失钟事故,此时不再能由水面潜水支持船供应呼吸气、热
Introduction In offshore oil and gas development projects, frequent diving services are required. In deep waters, submersibles must also be used for diving. For example, Uncle John, a semi-submersible multi-purpose vessel chartered by Shell-Expro in the oilfields of the United Kingdom, dives 11,500 hours of dive diving and 500 hours of diving in 29,000 hours of work time. Another RCV, The dive time is 4447 hours. Diving dive can be seen about 70% of the diving service time. Although countries with advanced offshore industries such as Britain, Norway and the United States have enacted various regulations or regulations on diving safety operations and divers have high standards of vocational training, accidents have been reported from time to time in a large number of diving bell operations . Especially the accidental breakage of the umbilical cord, when breathing water can no longer be supplied by a surface diving support vessel