地壳中的岩石受力作用后,可以发生整体移动或转动,或两者兼有,而岩石内部可不发生任何变化.如果岩石受力后,内部质点出现相对位移,就产生岩石的变形.变形程度的大小叫应变.分析变形岩石应变的大小和特点,有助于了解应力作用的情况,为应力分析提供可靠的依据;通过应变分析还可以确定岩石的变形机制.因此,应变分析是构造地质学的重要组成部分. 最早从事岩石应变分析的是豪顿(1856).他将未变形的腕足类化石和已变形的同类化石加以比较,从而计算出变形化石的主应变轴率的大小.豪顿假设变形是均匀的,而且有两个主应变轴是位于劈理面上.魏特斯坦(1886)曾根据第三纪板岩中的变形鱼化石计算岩石的主应变轴
After the rock in the earth’s crust is subjected to a force, it can move or rotate as a whole, or both, but no change can occur inside the rock. If the rock is subjected to a force, the relative displacement of the internal particles will produce a deformation of the rock. The size of the strain is called strain. Analysis of the size and characteristics of the deformed rock strain helps to understand the effect of stress and provides a reliable basis for stress analysis. Through the strain analysis, it is also possible to determine the deformation mechanism of the rock. Therefore, strain analysis is a structural geology. An important part of the analysis. It was Howden (1856) who first engaged in rock strain analysis. He compared the undeformed brachiopod fossils with deformed fossils of the same type to calculate the main strain axis rate of the deformed fossils. Howden Assume that the deformation is uniform and that there are two principal strain axes located on the matte surface. Wittstein (1886) used the deformed fish fossils in the Tertiary Slate to calculate the principal strain axis of the rock.