
来源 :山西师大学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yupucn
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民族文化认同是中华民族历经几千年发展、披荆斩棘、战胜无数劫难、形成多民族统一国家的精神纽带。至20世纪初年,确立推翻封建帝制、建立民主共和国的崇高理想,适应世界潮流,为此而矢志奋斗,成为近代历史文化认同的一项核心内容。革命派人物首先运用西方近代民权思想和国家学说,剖析“朝廷”与“国家”的区别,向民众大力灌输民主意识。辛亥革命虽然取得了推翻两千年帝制的胜利,但革命果实被袁世凯窃取。中国共产党从成立之日起,就把建设一个真正民主、富强的新中国作为自己的奋斗目标,并经过无数艰苦摸索,开辟通向胜利的道路。这就为处于新的历史阶段的全中国人民树立了共同奋斗的目标,由此形成了中华民族无比强大的凝聚力和向心力。 National cultural identity is the spiritual bond that the Chinese nation has experienced through thousands of years of development, overcoming all difficulties, and forming a multi-ethnic national unity. By the early twentieth century, establishing the lofty ideal of overthrowing the feudal monarchy and establishing a democratic republic and adapting to the world trend has determined to become a core content of modern historical and cultural identity. At first, the revolutionary figures use the modern Western civil rights ideology and state theory to analyze the difference between “court” and “state” and instill in people a sense of democracy. Although the revolution of 1911 won the victory of overthrowing the two thousand years of imperialism, the revolutionary fruits were stolen by Yuan Shikai. Since its establishment, the Chinese Communist Party has made it a goal of its own to build a truly democratic, affluent and prosperous New China. Through numerous hard exploration, the Chinese Communist Party has opened the way to victory. This sets the goal of common struggle for all the Chinese people in the new historical stage and thus forms the extremely powerful cohesion and solidarity of the Chinese nation.
小麦茎基部可寄居多种真菌,并可导致发褐、坏死等症状,与小麦纹枯病相混淆.为准确诊断小麦纹枯病,根据江苏省小麦茎基部常见寄居菌禾谷丝核菌Rhizoctonia cerealis、立枯丝核
目的 探讨杂色曲霉素(ST)对巨噬细胞免疫功能的影响。方法 分别采用半定量逆转录聚合酶链反应及酶联免疫吸附法,研究0 .12 5 ,0 .2 5 ,0 .5 ,1.0和2 .0mg·L- 1ST预处理对
目的检测韦-伯综合征(Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome,BWS)相关印记基因在人类卵母细胞和植入前胚胎的正常表达,探讨辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology,ART)和BWS
目的 探讨Y-V推进法在修复先天性耳垂裂方面的应用.方法 按照Kitayama的分类方法,对先天性耳垂缺损的患者进行分类,对于13例单纯型或轻微组织缺损型的先天性耳垂裂的患者,采