上海消防总队第一支队惠南中队是一支作风过硬、管理得当、理想信念坚定的基层消防中队。长期以来,惠南中队坚持按照江主席的“五句话”建军思想和总队“双争”考评的要求,始终坚持以筑牢全体官兵理想信念为基础,坚持严格管理,使中队近年来在政治思想、训练业务和教育管理等各方面一直走在总队的前列。1997年至1999年,惠南中队连续三年获得“训练标兵中队”荣誉称号,1997、1998年连续两年被总队评为基层建设标兵中队,并荣记集体三等功。1998隼8月10日,中队战士周理红在一次扑救火灾战斗中光荣牺牲,把自己的青春和生命留在了这块他挚爱的热土上。 新世纪里,惠南中队全体官兵在烈士英雄事迹的感召下,在总队理想信念专题教育活动中,进一步坚定了信念,提高了觉悟,他们在中队党支部的领导下,正团结一致,齐心协力朝着更高的目标奋勇拼搏。 ──编者按
Huainan squadron, the first detachment of the Shanghai Fire Brigade, is a grassroots firefighting squadron that is well-tempered, well-managed and firm in its ideals and convictions. For a long time, the Huinan Squadron insisted on following the requirements of Chairman Jiang’s “Five Sentences” for building the military and the assessment of the “double struggle” of the Corps. It has always adhered to the principle of “building a firm and faithful belief in the entire ranks of officers and soldiers and upholding strict management so that in recent years, Political thought, training business and education and management has been walking in the forefront of the Corps. From 1997 to 1999, the Huinan Squadron won the honorary title of ”training pacesetter" for three consecutive years. In 1997 and 1998, it was rated as the grassroots construction squadron by the Corps for two consecutive years and was awarded the collective third class. 1998 Falcon On 10th August, Squadron fighter Zhou Lihong died gloriously in a fight for firefighting and left his youth and life on the land of his beloved. In the new century, all officers and men of the Huinan Squadron, inspired by the heroic deeds of the martyrs, have further strengthened their conviction and awareness in the special campaign of ideals and beliefs of the Corps, and are united under the leadership of the Party branch of the Squadron to make concerted efforts Fight hard toward a higher goal. ── Editor’s note