糖尿病是体内胰岛素缺乏或胰岛素功能障碍所致糖、脂肪和蛋白质代谢异常的全身性慢性疾病。 儿童时期糖尿病是指小于15岁的儿童发生糖尿病者;95%以上为1型糖尿病,极少数为2型糖尿病。1病因 1型糖尿病是由于胰岛β细胞被
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease of the whole body that is deficient in the metabolism of sugar, fat and protein in the body caused by lack of insulin or dysfunction of insulin. Diabetes in childhood is defined as diabetes in children younger than 15 years; more than 95% are type 1 and very few are type 2. 1 Etiology Type 1 diabetes is due to islet beta cells