传统农业生产模式,那时农民浇水、施肥、打药,没有固定的参考标准,完全凭经验、靠感觉,极易导致化肥使用过量,从而影响果蔬品质;盲目使用农药致使农药残留超标,后果更是不堪设想。而当物联网技术开始在农业领域应用,许多农民可以运用物联网系统的传感设备,监测环境中的温度、相对湿度、p H值、光照强度、土壤养分及二氧化碳浓度等参数变化情况;第一时间发现问题,准确定位
Traditional agricultural production mode, when farmers watering, fertilizing, fighting drugs, there is no fixed reference standard, based entirely on experience, by feeling, can easily lead to excessive use of chemical fertilizers, thus affecting the quality of fruits and vegetables; blind use of pesticides cause pesticide residues exceeded the consequences more Is disastrous When the Internet of Things technology began to be applied in the field of agriculture, many farmers could use sensor equipment of the Internet of Things system to monitor changes in parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, p H value, light intensity, soil nutrient and carbon dioxide concentration in the environment. Find problems at a time, accurate positioning