我院自1991年1月至1995年6月收治直肠癌术后复发病人54例,就有关临床资料加以分析总结,讨论影响复发的因素。 临床资料 本组男性23例,女性31例,男女之比1:1.34。年龄20~69岁,其中40~60岁为发病高
In our hospital from January 1991 to June 1995, 54 patients with rectal cancer recurrence were treated. The relevant clinical data were analyzed and summarized to discuss the factors affecting recurrence. Clinical data There were 23 males and 31 females in this group. The ratio of male to female was 1:1.34. Age from 20 to 69 years, including 40 to 60 years old