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1材料与方法(1)运输工具:租用广西柳州生产的中型冷藏保温车,厢体内部尺寸7200mm×2310mm×2400mm,油耗≤6.5L/100km,总漏热率≤5W/K,漏气量≤5m3/h,可控最低温度-10℃。车厢内用支架隔开,中间的空隙以放入鱼苗箱为准。每车装鱼苗260箱左右。(2)盛鱼材料:双层聚乙烯袋,规格为长 1 Materials and methods (1) Transportation: Rent medium-sized refrigerated trucks with the capacity of 7200mm × 2310mm × 2400mm, fuel consumption ≤6.5L / 100km, total leakage rate ≤5W / K, 5m3 / h, the lowest temperature control -10 ℃. Carriages separated by a bracket, the middle of the gap into the fry box shall prevail. About 260 boxes of fish fry per car. (2) Sheng fish materials: double polyethylene bags, specifications for the long
随着近海经济鱼类资源的衰减,捕捞生产呈下滑趋势.受浙江、广东和山东省青岛等地区抗风浪深水网箱养殖的启迪,日照市海兴渔业集团有限公司于2002年5月引进1组5口周长50 m深10