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  “我发现了一个有趣的现象:大多数孩子都有一颗文艺的心。如果你问他理想,得到的答案也许都与艺术有关——跳舞、唱歌、画画、当明星、当摄影师……这些美好的愿望不会因为身处城市、乡村而有所不同。只是这里的孩子,没有机会得到优质的教育。” 邢邑青说。




  他把想法告诉了他在美国的两个老师,其中一位是美国南加州大学的电影研究专家骆思典教授(Stanley Rosen),他研究中国30余年,非常赞同邢邑青的想法。
  16-Year-Old Teaches English Performing in Mountain School
  By Ma Li, Yang Linxi
  This summer, the 16-year-old Xing Yiqing ran an English performing course in Liyang Village in mountains in Taishun County in southern Zhejiang. He reached Cangnan, a county-level city near Wenzhou, by train. Then he took a one-and-half-an-hour bus ride to Taishun before he trekked along a zigzagging path to arrive at the village.   From the classroom at Wengshan Academy in the village, the teenage teacher could see peaks and woods and hear the chirps of birds. All of his students were his teenage contemporaries.
  Just a few days before, he had finished a one-month summer performance course at University of Southern California. He and his classmates rehearsed and performed A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. At the village academy, he was going to direct a show titled Wait for Tomorrow in English, a play he wrote.
  His father Xing Minshan and his mother Niu Xiaoqing sat at the back of the classroom. The father is a celebrated Kunqu Opera actor who now often appears in television series. The next course was taught by Xing Yiqing’s maternal grandparents Niu Biao and Shen Shihua. Niu Biao is a theater critic and professor and Shen Shihua is also a professor specialized in Kunqu Opera.
  In 2017 and 2018, the five members of the family taught an education course in the mountains of Taishun during the summer break.
  Wengshan Academy was set up in the winter of 2016 by Weng Zhidan and Zeng Qibao, two graduates from China Academy of Art based in Hangzhou. They are natives of Taishun. The two invite teachers from China Academy of Art and other cultural institutions to run free courses in calligraphy, painting, and Chinese classics at the village.
  Xing Yiqing visited the Wengshan Academy in the summer of 2017. The teenagers at the academy were curious about this tall young teenager who had just returned from America. They asked him a lot of questions about the outside world. Though they were of the same age, most children at the village have seen little of the outside world. Some had visited Rui’an, a county-level city about 95 kilometers away. None had visited Wenzhou, the central city in southeastern Zhejiang, which is about 150 kilometers away from Taishun.
  Xing Yiqing found that most students at the academy were interested in performance. When asked about their dreams, they gave answers largely in art- and culture-related fields. One wanted to be a dancer, the other wanted to be a singer, some wanted to be artists, one wanted to be a pop star, and one wanted to be a photographer. “These aspirations are universal no matter whether you are in a city or in a village,” commented the 16-year-old Xing Yiqing.
  Wengshan was a rural town where many adults are working away from home, with their children left behind in villages. In a chat with Weng Guoyong, who studied at a boarding school in the county capital, Xing Yiqing found Weng was intensely emotional, moving his hands constantly. Xing sensed that there was a pent-up intensity inside Weng waiting to find a way out. Xing Yiqing, a student who began to learn performance from a very young age, knew the signs pretty well. He understands that theater performs a soothing therapeutic function, which is considered the most important role theater plays in a society.   That is exactly why Xing Yiqing wanted to do: open a door for them to take a look at the outside world. Waiting for Tomorrow, a play about a monkey, was perfect for the teenagers at the academy, thought Xing Yiqing.
  Weng Junhao, also 16 years old, came to visit Xing Yiqing in the evening after he knew he was picked for playing the role of the monkey. The 16-year-old student and the 16-year-old teacher talked about the play for about four hours.
  A few days later, Xing Yiqing received a text message from Weng Junhao’s father, who had just returned from Suzhou. The text message was about the positive changes taking place in the son. “Weng Junhao has changed since he met you at the academy. He now has a strong urge to study and learn. I will help him do his best, ” texted the father.
  Xing Yiqing was sleepless that night. “It is exciting to know someone’s life has changed because of me. This, however, also brings pressure on me,” said Xing. “All people need to grow up, including myself. All children need positive feedback when growing up. The children here hardly receive encouragement.”
  The 15-minute play was a success. After the performance, the students were excited for a long while, some chatting enthusiastically, some applauding, some even weeping.
  In the summer of 2018, Xing Yiqing did more than directing an English play. He also shot a short documentary. He had planned to document a martial art player in a Kunqu Opera Troupe. But seeing the children at the academy, he changed his mind. To get a different documentary, he talked with two of his teachers at the university. One of them was Stanley Rosen, who has studied China for over 30 years and supported Xing Yiqing’s new idea.
  Xing randomly chose ten students at the academy and interviewed them. “They are honest and simple and they can feel happy easily. But they are also emotional. They can’t tell anybody about their difficulties and wrongs they encounter since their parents are not at home. There will be a regret resulted from the lack of immediate care and love of their parents in their lives,” commented Xing.
  He plans to show the documentary to his teachers and classmates in America after he completes the film. “I hope to let the world see China’s rural beauty and learn about rural stories. Education in rural areas should get more support,” explained Xing Yiqing.
  Xing Yiqing has already made up his mind to come back with the documentary in 2019 to visit Wengshan Academy.
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