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在现代精神文明建设的时代大潮中,时而有封建意识的逆流回旋。崇拜所谓“皇帝气派”,鼓吹皇室的“至尊至贵”,便是这种逆流的典型表现之一。厂家在广告中宣称其产品是“王者风范”、“帝皇气派”的,不在少数。无中生有的所谓“宫廷用品”、“宫廷食品”之类的宣传甚嚣尘上。好笑的是,有些拙劣的厂家的产品干脆冠以“太子”、“天子”之类的牌号,似乎只要使用了这类产品,就高人一等,就成了“皇室一族”。在文化娱乐界,曾经服侍过末代皇室的宦官、官女,被炒得火热,身价百倍。与这种攀附权势的“潮流”相呼应,以贵族自命的所谓“高尚住宅”,“精英学校”,接二连三地出现。甚至“南霸天酒家”、“大富豪餐厅”、“皇朝酒吧”之类反人文精神的东西潮声四起,把本来已经不安宁的人心,搅得更加浮躁。 其实,追求所谓“帝皇气派”、“王者风范”,实质上是与历史潮流相抗衡,是与时代精神相悖反,是社会主义精神文明建设中的不协调的声音,事实上,大众化,平民化,正在成为社会主义时代的新风尚。 从思想文化的层面看,近年出现的追求“帝皇气派”、“王者风范”的社会暗流,是违反中国文化的人文精神的,也 In the tide of the times of the construction of modern spiritual civilization, there is sometimes a counter-current roundabout of feudal consciousness. Worship the so-called “emperor style”, advocating royal “supreme to expensive”, is one of the typical performance of this counter-current. Manufacturers claim in advertising that their product is the “king style”, “imperial style”, not a few. Out of nothing, some of the so-called “court supplies” and “court foods” spread like advertisements. The funny thing is, some botched products simply labeled as “Prince”, “Son of Heaven” and the like, it seems that as long as the use of such products, the superior, became the “royal family.” In the cultural and entertainment industry, the eunuchs and officials who served in the last generation of the royal family were fired at a hundredfold. Echoing this “trend” of clinging power, the so-called “noble residence” and “elite schools” aristocrats arose one after another. Even the anti-humanistic spirits such as “Southern tyrants Restaurant”, “Grand Regal Restaurant” and “Dynasty Bar” have stirred up the already disturbing hearts and stirred up the impetuous mind. In fact, pursuing the so-called “imperialistic style” and “demeanor of the king’s” are in fact contending with the historical trend, contradicting the spirit of the times and incongruous voices in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. In fact, the popular and civilians It is becoming a new trend in the socialist era. From a ideological and cultural level, the social undercurrents that have pursued “imperial style” and “royal style” in recent years have violated the humanistic spirit of Chinese culture and also
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