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目前,我国青少年体质健康水平的连续下降,使我国学校体育面临严峻的考验。2005年,全国学生体质与健康调研结果显示,学生体质与健康状况表现在肺活量水平继续呈下降趋势,肥胖检出率继续上升。同时,由于学生压力增大,学生的心理问题也不容乐观。2007年,国务院下发了《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》明确指出,各级教育行政部门和各级各类学校要增强青少年体质的重要性和紧迫性。由此可见,学校如何从“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨,是目前和未来我国学校教育工作者所面临的一大课题。学校体育是素质教育的重要手段与载体。本文通过学校体育在实施素质教育中作用的分析,力求为学校体育的改革和素质教育的发展在理论上提出可行性建议。 At present, the continual decline of our physique and health level of adolescents has made our school sports face a severe test. In 2005, the survey results of the national students’ physique and health showed that their physique and health status continued to decline at the vital capacity level, and the detection rate of obesity continued to rise. At the same time, students’ psychological problems are not optimistic due to the increasing pressure from students. In 2007, the State Council issued the Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening Physical Education for Youngsters and Strengthening the Physical Fitness of Adolescents. They clearly pointed out the importance and urgency of enhancing the physique of adolescents at all levels of education administrations and schools at all levels. Thus it can be seen that how schools transition from “exam-oriented education ” to “quality education ” is a major issue for school educators in our country and in the future. School physical education is an important means of education and carrier. Based on the analysis of the role of school physical education in implementing quality education, this paper tries to put forward feasible suggestions in theory for the reform of school physical education and the development of quality education.
很多人都知道“肯德基”好吃;可你是否知道它的发明者是谁呢?它的由来又是怎样的呢?“肯德基”连锁店的创办人不是“肯德基先生”,而是桑德斯上校,他65岁时还拿着政府的救济金,过着贫困的生活。  一天,他受到成功人士的激励。于是决定要改变自己的命运。他家有一个祖传炸鸡秘方,他就从推销秘方开始。他挨家挨户地拜访,把想法告诉每家饭店或餐馆的老板:“我有一个很好的炸鸡秘方,如果你能采用,生意一定会火爆起来,而
石油大王保罗·盖提曾被誉为全球最富有的人,但他的一生称不上幸福,他的儿子小盖提亦不例外,本文对往事和新事都作了生动的描绘。 亿万富豪小保罗·盖提(Paul J.Getty Jr)过
根据学科建设和人才培养需要,我校特聘请中国工程院院士、西安交通大学博士导师谢友柏教授为兼职教授。1994年10月21日在我校培训楼举行了聘任仪式。 谢友柏教授1955年毕业