
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HGameG
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治安管理部门在预防、控制卖淫嫖娼活动中处于前沿地位,具有其他部门不可替代的作用。充分发挥治安管理工作的职能作用,广泛依靠社会有关部门和广大群众,综合运用各种治安管理手段和措施,实现对暗娼、嫖客及相关违法犯罪人员活动的地域和场所的有效防范、控制与治理,是综合治理卖淫嫖娼的系统工程的首要环节。 Public security departments are at the forefront in preventing and controlling prostitution and prostitution and have the irreplaceable role of other departments. We should give full play to the functions and functions of public order management and rely extensively on the relevant social departments and the general public to comprehensively apply various public security management measures and measures so as to effectively prevent, control and govern the places and places where commercial sex workers, clients and other offenders commit crimes , Is the primary link in the systematic management of prostitution.
标签的用途广泛,每次开学发新书后,我就会在书本封面上贴上标签,写上名字。这样既能起到识别的作用,又可在书弄丢了后方便找回来。但是,这种标签只能用一次,然后就要扔掉,浪费纸资源,不够环保。为此,我发明了一种可以重复贴几次的“环保贴纸标签”。  一、 发明原理  我发明的这个“环保贴纸标签”结构很简单,用法也很简单,做起来更简单。它的正面跟普通标签没什么两样,但它背面的黄纸被分割成了由里到外的四块黄纸