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农业生产和手工业生产的分工,私有制的产生,城乡的分化,商品生产的出现,使原始公社公有制下的产品交换,发展到私有制下的商品生产和商品交换。在公社公有制下的产品交换,生产者不是以交换为目的而生产商品,而是将自身消费后剩余的产品去换回需要的产品;在私有制下,则是以交换为目的而生产商品。剩余产品交换和商品交换,虽同是物物交换,但这两者是有区别的:前者,是简单的偶然的价值形态下的物物交换,要在交换发生时才成为商品;而后者才是扩大的价值形态下的商品生产和商品 The division of labor between agricultural production and handicraft production, the emergence of private ownership, the differentiation of urban and rural areas and the emergence of commodity production have enabled the exchange of products under the public ownership of primitive communes to commodity production and exchange of commodities under private ownership. In the communal public exchange of products, instead of producing goods for the purpose of exchange, the producers exchange the remaining products after they have consumed them for the products they need, while in the case of private ownership they produce goods for the purpose of exchange. The exchange of surplus products and the exchange of goods, though in the same way as the exchange of things, are distinguished from each other: the former is the exchange of things under a simple contingent value form, and becomes the commodity only when the exchange occurs It is an expanded form of commodity production and commodities
何凯英从父亲手中接下了祖传的制鞋手艺,至今已有近40年了。在这40年里,四方的大杂院变成了宽敞明亮的单元房,私家车取代了自行车挤在愈建愈宽的马路上,挂号信通过互联网成为实时可达的电子邮件,何凯英也从一名小学徒成长为内联升千层底布鞋制作技艺第四代代表性传承人。变化的时尚,不变的经典,这门拥有160多年历史的老手艺依然被何凯英坚守着,并不断被灌注新的元素。  何凯英的工作台上摆满了各式各样的鞋,有黑色
将高等教育向农村延伸,不能仅仅依靠传统的办学理念与办学模式 今年2月20日,教育部宣布实施“一村一名大学生计划”,7月1
Background: To determine whether -148 C/T fibrinogen gene promoter polymorp hism increases stroke risk by modifying the fibrinogen level. Design: A case-c ontro