地处鲁中的临淄,东傍淄河,西依系水、北靠平原,南对牛山、稷山和名泉天齐渊。春秋的五霸之首,战国的七雄之一——齐国以此为都。战国时纵横家苏秦曾记述:“临淄之中七万户……临淄之途,车毂击,人肩摩,连衽成帷,举袂成幕,挥汗如雨,家敦而富,趾高气扬。” 早在新石器时代晚期,一支号称爽鸠氏的部落相中了这块依山傍水的地方,聚居于此。如凤栖于梧桐,这个以鸟为图腾的部落在淄河、乌河两岸开始塑造东方文明。公元前11世纪的西周初期
Linzi is located in Lu, east Zi River, West according to the Department of Water, north of the plains, south of Niushan, Jishan and famous springs Qi Yuan. Spring and Autumn of the first five hegemony, one of the Seven Warring States Qi - Qi as the capital. Warring States period astronomers Su Qin has described: “Linzi among the 70,000 ... Linzi way, the car hub hit, shoulder Shimo, and even into a curtain curtain, hold the curtain, sweat, home and rich, arrogant. ”As early as the Neolithic period, a tribal called Shuang Jiu’s phase in the Yishanbangshui place, live here. Such as phoenix habitat in the Indus, the totem for the birds of the tribes in the Zihe, Wuhe began to shape the eastern civilization. Early 11th century BC Western Zhou Dynasty