最近,有幸参加了湘潭县石潭中心小学六年级课外文学小组的一次活动。活动辅导老师以一副对联为中心,组织别开生面的讨论,充分体现了素质教育的精神。 首先,教师的导语引出对联:我们学习了《长城》一课。长城是我们伟大祖国的象征。有一副对联是写长城的: 阅尽人间春色: 堪称华夏脊梁。(教师边说边板书对联)我们今天就学习这副对
Recently, I was lucky enough to participate in an activity of the extra-curricular literature group of the sixth grade of Shitan Central Primary School in Xiangtan County. Activity counseling teachers to a couplet as the center, the organization discussed the other face-to-face, fully embodies the spirit of quality education. First of all, the teacher's lead leads to couplet: we have learned “Great Wall” lesson. The Great Wall is a symbol of our great motherland. There is a pair of couplets is to write the Great Wall: read the human spring: called the backbone of China. (Teacher said sideboard couplet) we learn today pair