目前,不少室外游泳池普遍存在利用率较低、管理较室内游泳池困难等问题,因此,如何因地制宜地将室外游泳池改建成室内游泳馆或在一些有较充足热源的宾馆、餐饮业中增设游泳池,以满足所在地区的需要,具有较现实的意义。银珠苑游泳池的改建便是较成功的实例。 银珠苑工程地处上海青浦区青商路,工程建有一个体育活动中心,其中包括水面积为1180m~2的
At present, many outdoor swimming pools generally have problems of low utilization rate and difficulty in managing indoor swimming pools. Therefore, how to rebuild an outdoor swimming pool into an indoor swimming pool according to local conditions or add a swimming pool to some hotels and restaurants with more adequate heat sources, To meet the needs of the region, with more realistic significance. Silver Pearl Court Pool renovation is a more successful example. Silver Pearl Court project is located in Qingpu District, Shanghai Qing Shang Road, the project has a sports center, including water area of 1180m ~ 2