大型儿童音乐剧《大森林》讲述的是二战即将结束时,迷失在东北原始森林里的中、日两国的孤儿相遇后,由互相仇视、格斗,到一起克服困境,对抗野兽侵袭,携手走出大森林的感人故事,展现了反对战争,呼唤和平是人生的永恒主题。此剧舞台美术不仅要营造出大森林的气氛来, 还要为剧中时空转换提供方便,做为一出戏的舞美设计,一切可视的空间都该是构思新颖、意境佳妙, 在空间中相得益彰,具有独特的艺术魅力。
The large-scale children's musical Big Forest tells the story of an orphan of China and Japan lost in the primitive forests of northeast China at the end of World War II, encountering hostility and fighting against each other, The touching story of the great forest shows the opposition to the war and calls for peace as the eternal theme of life. This stage art not only to create a large forest atmosphere, but also for the convenience of space and time to change the play, as a play of the design of the United States and the United States, all the visual space should be innovative ideas, artistic superiority in space In complement each other, with a unique artistic charm.