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刑讯逼供是一种古老的、野蛮的审讯方法,也是刑事司法实践中一项屡禁不止的顽症。我国《刑法》第247条对刑讯逼供罪作了明确的规定,《刑事诉讼法》第43条明文规定禁止采用刑讯逼供等非法手段获得口供。然而,刑讯逼供在 Extorting a confession by torture is an ancient and brutal method of interrogation and a chronic problem in criminal justice practice. Article 247 of the Criminal Law of China clearly stipulates the crime of extorting a confession by torture. Article 43 of the Code of Criminal Procedure expressly prohibits obtaining confessions by illegal means such as torture. However, torture is in contention