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The stone inscription art is a gem of chinese cultural treasure. The author introduced the stone inscriptions of Qinshihuang and Qinshihuang - 2 in this article and analysed the character of the stone inscription in Qin Dynasty and the cause for mass stone inscriptions being born in Qin Dynasty. And author indicated the stone inscription that it was the earlist in chinese stone inscription history was a great contribution. In this article the author introduced six stone inscriptions of Western Han Dynasty including keeping records by stone inscription, stone inscriptions on palace, mausoleum and tomb etc. The author summed up four character dependent on mow stone inscriptions discovered from Western Han Dynasty The author inscribed the stone inscriptions of Qinshihuang and Qinshihuang - 2 in this article and analysed the character of the stone inscription in Qin Dynasty and the cause for mass stone inscriptions being born in Qin Dynasty And author indicated the stone inscription that it was the earlist in chinese stone inscription history was a great contribution. In this article the author introduced six stone inscriptions of Western Han Dynasty including keeping records by stone inscription, stone inscriptions on palace, mausoleum and tomb etc. The author summed up four character dependent on mow stone inscriptions discovered from Western Han Dynasty
我们对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者进行血清Ⅳ型胶原(ⅣC)测定,并探讨其临床价值,现报告如下。1 资料与方法11 一般资料:84例SLE患者均符合1982年美国风湿病学会制订的诊断标准。男7
为了探讨小剂量脱氢表雄酮硫酸酯(DS)对老年男性记忆力的影响。采用双盲对照法观察64名老年男性口服DS 3个月后记忆力的变化,治疗A组21名,年龄60岁至79岁,每日口服 DS 25 mg;治疗 B组 21名,年龄 60岁至79岁,每日
本发明涉及一种循环利用磷钨酸铈催化剂合成月桂酸甲酯的方法,属于化工技术领域。将月桂酸和无水甲醇按比例投入到反应釜中,加入月桂酸质量7%~7.5%的磷钨酸铈作为催化剂, The
1998年,我站在来我市打工的外地民工中检出5例HIV感染者,现将调查情况报告分析如下。 1 基本情况 5例HIV感染者均为男性,年龄在25~40岁,汉族,小学文化程度。2例巳结婚,2例结婚
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