
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boshi9529
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心理学界一直将从众行为看成是“由于真实的或想象的群体压力而导致的行为或态度的变化”。从众是个人在社会群体压力下,放弃自己的意见,转变原有的态度,采取与大多数人一致的行为。这种从众心理,发生在上海地铁,最典型的就是乘客会跟随人流行走。而在乘坐地铁的不同环节会出现不同的人流情况,当然也会出现在不同结果。通过合理设计有效人为引导人流将使地铁乘用效率大幅提高。 The psychology community has always viewed the public behavior as “a change in behavior or attitude due to real or imagined group pressure.” Subordinates are individuals under the pressure of social groups to give up their own opinions, change their original attitude, and act in concert with the majority. This popular psychology, took place in the Shanghai Metro, the most typical is that passengers will follow the popular. In different parts of the subway ride there will be different flow of people, of course, there will be different results. By reasonably designing effective people to guide the flow of people, the utilization efficiency of the subway will be greatly enhanced.
一次不要买太多。受空气、温度、光照的影响,叶菜中所含的无机盐、维生素易发生氧化变质。圆白菜在室温下存放2天,維生素破坏可达70%。有些绿叶菜贮存过久,叶子发黄,产生亚硝胺等致癌物质,危害人体健康。  叶菜一次别买太多,最好现买现吃,或者一星期采购2~3次新鲜叶菜。采买时可依照耐放程度搭配不同的种类,越不耐放的菜越要尽快食用,如空心菜、小白菜等,在1~2天内食用为宜。选购叶菜,原则上以叶片完整嫩绿,