
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangfan520
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11月21日,2013湖南(湘潭)先进矿山装备和工程机械展览会在湘潭岳塘经开区中部国际工程机械物流园隆重开幕。湖南省人民政府副省长黄兰香宣布展览会开幕,湖南省商务厅副厅长罗新国、中国煤炭工业协会常务副会长彭建勋为展览会致辞。此次展览会聚集了111家国内知名矿山装备和工程机械企业参展,参展面积达32万平米。泰富重工、三一重工、中联重科、湘电重装等一批全国矿山装备和工程机械行业的龙头企业,受邀参加了本次展会。展览会分为四个展区:一是矿装机械展区,展出面积4 November 21, 2013 Hunan (Xiangtan) advanced mining equipment and construction machinery exhibition opened at the International Engineering Machinery Logistics Park in the central part of Yantang Economic Development Zone in Yuetan, Xiangtan. Huang Lanxiang, Vice Governor of Hunan Provincial People’s Government announced the opening of the exhibition. Luo Xinguo, deputy director of Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, and Peng Jianxun, executive vice president of China Coal Industry Association delivered speeches at the exhibition. The exhibition gathered 111 well-known domestic mining equipment and construction machinery exhibitors, exhibiting area of ​​320,000 square meters. Tai Fook Heavy Industries, Sany Heavy Industry, Zoomlion, Hunan Electric reload and a number of national mining equipment and construction machinery industry’s leading enterprises were invited to participate in this exhibition. The exhibition is divided into four exhibition areas: First, mining machinery exhibition area of ​​4
随着人们生活水平的提高和医疗卫生条件的改善,我国人口平均寿命大大延长,2000年全球65岁以上老人达到6亿,预计2025 年将达到11亿人,老人总数居世界第一位[1].我科为心血管内
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The research of the failure criterion and one-dimensional stress-strain relationship of deteriorated concrete were carried out.Based on the damage mechanics the
1 目的rn本标准规定了主要种植在土耳其和摩洛哥的橙花(Citrus aurantium L.spp.aurantium syn.Citrus aurantium L.spp.amara var.pumilia)油的某些特性,以便对其质量进行评