【摘 要】
To find a new preventive strategy for the infection of Schistosoma japonica, plasmid pIRES-Sj97-Sj14-Sj26 that contains fatty binding protein (Sj14), GST (Sj26)
【机 构】
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
【出 处】
To find a new preventive strategy for the infection of Schistosoma japonica, plasmid pIRES-Sj97-Sj14-Sj26 that contains fatty binding protein (Sj14), GST (Sj26) and paramyocin (Sj97) that are expressed on the membrane, was constructed. RT-PCR was used to detect the expression of Sj14 mRNA, Sj26 mRNA and Sj97 mRNA in the Hela cells, the indirect immunofluorescent test was employed for the detection of the expression of trans-membrane Sj26 after the plasmid was trans-fected into Hela cells. Fifty BALB/c mice were randomly divided into 5 groups and pIRES-Sj97-Sj14-Sj26 plasmid DNA, pIRES-Sj14-Sj26 plasmid DNA, plRES-Sj26 plasmid DNA,plRES blank vector and normal saline were respectively injected into the quadriceps muscles of thigh.Eight weeks after the immunization the mice were killed and significantly higher level of IgG was detected in the pIRES-Sj97-Sj14-Sj26 group as compared with the plRES blank vector, normal saline and pIRES-Sj26 groups (P
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