威灵仙,为毛茛科多年生攀援性灌木植物威灵仙的根。辛、温,归十二经。《中药学》认为,其功效祛风除湿,通络止痛,归在祛风湿药一章。然究其临床应用,颇为广泛。兹根据文献报道,结合笔者经验,介绍于后。 1.痹证痹者,闭阻不通之义。痹证,乃风寒湿三气侵袭人体,流注经络,使气血循行不畅所致。《本草正义》谓本品治“风寒湿三气之留凝坠络,关节不利诸病。”《本草经疏》则称其“主诸风而为风药之宣导善走者也。”《广西中草药》指出其“祛
Clematis is the root of the clematis perennial climber shrub plant Clematis. Xin and Wen returned to the Twelve Classics. “Chinese Medicine” believes that the effect of dehumidification wind, Tongluo pain, in the chapter of rheumatoid medicine. However, its clinical application is quite extensive. Based on the literature reports, combined with the author’s experience, introduced in the post. 1. Demonstrators, closed-impedance, unreasonable. Stagnancy card, it is wind and cold dampness attack the human body, flow meridian, so that the blood circulation is not smooth. “Materia Medica Justice” said that this product is “treating the cold and dampness of the three gas, and the joints are unfavorable to various diseases.” “Ben Cao Jing Shu” calls it “the main wind and the propaganda of the wind medicine.” "Guangxi Chinese Herbal Medicine pointed out