上海国营工业企业以转换经营机制为重点的改革试点工作,正分层次、多形式、多渠道地深入进行.目前全市试行“税利分流、税后还贷、全员劳动合同制配套改革”的试点企业,已达93家.最近,我们对首批进行试点的11家企业的进展情况进行了跟踪调查.现将调查情况综合报告如下. 一、试点情况简介这11家率先试点的企业,经过半年多的实践,使改革按照预定的目标稳步地向前发展. 第一,财税政策已基本到位. 据1991年财政决算,11户试点企业减轻各项税赋共4500万元,固定资产折旧增加790万元,
The pilot reform of the state-owned industrial enterprises in Shanghai, focusing on the transformation of operating mechanisms, is being carried out in depth, at various levels, and in multiple channels. At present, the city’s trial “ The number of pilot enterprises has reached 93. Recently, we have conducted follow-up surveys on the progress of the first batch of 11 companies that have been piloted. The comprehensive report of the survey is now as follows. I. Introduction to the pilot situation The 11 companies that took the lead in pilot projects, After more than half a year of practice, the reforms have been steadily moving forward in accordance with the intended goals. First, the fiscal and taxation policies have basically been put in place. According to the 1991 fiscal finale, 11 pilot companies have reduced their taxes and taxes totaling 45 million yuan, and the depreciation of fixed assets Increase by 7.9 million yuan