山西省人民委员会 山西军区关于保卫夏收工作的联合指示

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今年的保卫夏收工作正处于粮食『定产、定购、定销』的实施开始和政府号召全国节约粮食之际,所以增加粮食,减少粮食之损失,不仅是对保卫广大群众的供应,而且对保证社会主义建设是有重要意义的。因此在夏收中,做好保卫夏收工作,保证群众生产果实的安全,不遭受 This year’s defense and summer harvest work is at a time when the implementation of “finalizing food, ordering and marketing of food” starts and the government calls for the nation to save grain. Therefore, increasing grain and reducing the loss of grain are not only a guarantee of supply to the broad masses of the people, The construction of socialism is of great significance. Therefore, during the summer harvest, we should do a good job in defending the summer harvest and ensure the safety of the fruits produced by the masses and will not suffer
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